Transfers ($30/month) – If you are a transfer, welcome to Savannah!
In order to qualify as a transfer, a skater must meet the following requirements:
Transferring from a WFTDA Full or Apprentice league:
Must have participated in at least one (1) full length bout with your former league
Must have participated in a practice with your former league within ninety (90) days of their start date with the Savannah Derby Devils
Must complete the Savannah Derby Devils Transfer Form
Must have a Letter of Recommendation submitted from their previous coach or league president. The letter must include the following:
Skater’s skills and strengths
Date of their last full length bout with league
Date their last practice with league
Letters of Recommendation must be submitted to
Transferring from a non-WFTDA league (or off skates more than three months):
Must complete the Savannah Derby Devils Transfer Form
Must have a Letter of Recommendation submitted from their previous coach or league president. The letter must include the following:
Skater’s skills and strengths
Date of their last full length bout with league
Date their last practice with league
Letters of Recommendation must be submitted to
Upon vetting of the Transfer Form and Letter of Recommendation, the skater must schedule a skills assessment with the Training Committee. Upon completion of the assessment, the skater will be invited to enter the Savannah Derby Devils wRECk program.
NOTE: All transfers must have WFTDA Insurance prior to their first practice.