
Transfers ($30/month) – If you are a transfer, welcome to Savannah!

In order to qualify as a transfer, a skater must meet the following requirements:

Transferring from a WFTDA Full or Apprentice league:

  1. Must have participated in at least one (1) full length bout with your former league

  2. Must have participated in a practice with your former league within ninety (90) days of their start date with the Savannah Derby Devils

  3. Must complete the Savannah Derby Devils Transfer Form

  4. Must have a Letter of Recommendation submitted from their previous coach or league president. The letter must include the following:

    • Skater’s skills and strengths

    • Date of their last full length bout with league

    • Date their last practice with league

Letters of Recommendation must be submitted to

Transferring from a non-WFTDA league (or off skates more than three months):

  1. Must complete the Savannah Derby Devils Transfer Form

  2. Must have a Letter of Recommendation submitted from their previous coach or league president. The letter must include the following:

    • Skater’s skills and strengths

    • Date of their last full length bout with league

    • Date their last practice with league

Letters of Recommendation must be submitted to

Upon vetting of the Transfer Form and Letter of Recommendation, the skater must schedule a skills assessment with the Training Committee. Upon completion of the assessment, the skater will be invited to enter the Savannah Derby Devils wRECk program.

NOTE: All transfers must have WFTDA Insurance prior to their first practice.